The Nomination Committee’s task is to submit proposals to the board and auditors, including remuneration, before the Annual General Meeting
Companies applying the Code shall have a nomination committee. According to the Code, the general meeting shall appoint the members of the nomination committee or resolve on procedures for appointing the members. The nomination committee shall, pursuant to the Code, consist of at least three members of which a majority shall be independent in relation to the company and the Group management. In addition, at least one member of the nomination committee shall be independent in relations to the largest shareholder in terms of voting rights or group of shareholders who cooperates in terms of the Company’s management.
In accordance with instructions for CTEK’s nomination committee, the three largest shareholders in the company as of the end of august have appointed the following persons to be part of CTEK’s nomination committee prior to the 2025 annual general meeting:
Heléne Mellquist, Chairman, appointed by Investmentbolaget AB Latour, Patricia Hedelius, appointed by AMF Tjänstepension och AMF Fonder, Thomas Wuolikainen, appointed by Fjärde AP-Fonden and the company’s chairman Johan Menckel as co-opted.
Share¬holders who wish to submit proposals to the nomination committee can contact the chairman of the nomination committee, Heléne Mellquist, E-mail: or via regular mail to:
Att: Nomination Committee
Rostugnsvägen 3
SE-776 70 Vikmanshyttan, Sweden