Risks and risk management
An investment in CTEK’s shares entails various risks. A number of factors affect or can affect the company’s operations, directly and indirectly.
CTEK has a structured and group-wide process for identifying, classifying, managing and monitoring a number of strategic, operational, financial and external risks.
The strategic risks are normally identified in connection with risk discussions linked to the strategic plan and strategic initiatives linked to it. The operational risks arise in the business and are identified primarily through process reviews. External risks consist of risks that are outside the Group’s direct control. These risks include changes in rules or changed market conditions.
Risks attributable to CTEK can be broadly divided as follows:
- Risks related to CTEK’s operations and industry
- Legal risks
- Financial risks
- Risks related to the shares and admission to trading on a regulated market
For a detailed description of the risks that are deemed to be particularly significant for the future development of the company, see CTEK’s prospectus from September 2021 on the IPO page.